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Things To Take Care While Driving Your Car In Rainy Season

Driving your car during monsoon season can be one of the toughest challenges facing you. If you drive fast there would be a chance of skidding and accidents, if you drive slow you might damage the engine. It is highly important to strike equilibrium and reach your destination safely. Rainy conditions are directly associated with higher accident rates.

You should always keep your headlights clean and clear of any obstructions so that they can work properly when needed. If you are driving at night, then it is best to use low beams because high beams will reflect off the water on the road and cause glare for other drivers. When it comes to driving in a heavy downpour, avoid sudden steering or braking maneuvers as these could lead to skidding. Instead, reduce your speed by 10% and increase the following distances.

If your windshield wipers stop functioning, pull over to the side of the road and turn on your hazard lights. A small percentage of cars will break down when they are almost completely submerged in water. When driving in a downpour, always keep one hand on the wheel at all times and use both hands to operate any other manual controls.

Precautions to be taken while driving your Car during Rainy Season:

The majority of car accidents happen during the rainy season, according to statistics. It sounds like common sense, but it needs to be said nonetheless. The reasons could be many, such as poor conditions on the road, low visibility, and traffic jams that can make driving during the monsoon really difficult.

Persons with less driving experience or who don't take care of their car might also experience difficulties during this time. Now, while you cannot change external conditions, you can always improve your driving skills. While you are working on your driving skills, let us help you out with the basic tips that will ensure your car is ready for a long drive in the monsoons.

No matter how many precautions you take it is highly possible to meet with even a minor accident or car repair during the rainy season. Here are a few tips to take into consideration when driving your car during monsoon season:-

  1. Check your tires: Make sure that your car tires are in perfect condition before taking them out of your car during monsoon season. The tread of the car should be sufficient to hold the grip on the road while driving. If the tread is worn out then a layer is formed between the road and the tyre which prevents the car from having a grip on the road and leads to skidding.
  2. Water Logged Roads: While driving on water logged roads ensure that you are not going deep in the water. Try to estimate the level of water logged on the road before entering the area. If you drive when the water level is high, water may enter the car and cause damage to the car engine and other parts beyond repair (sometimes).
  3. Drive Slow: Remember the quote “Slow and steady wins the race” which is very much apt for drivers riding cars in the rainy season. While driving on the wet road it is important to remember that driving slowly can prevent accidents. Due to rainwater on the road, the traction between the road and the tyre will be less and may result in skidding while trying to bring the vehicle to halt suddenly.
  4. Windshield Wipers: Some people neglect to maintain their windshield wipers in working condition which will affect them seriously while driving during monsoon season. Windshield wipers help to wipe the water droplets from the windshield mirror thereby providing clear vision to the driver. The windshield wiper also helps to clear the moisture from the glass in a mist or during a heavy downpour.
  5. Look out for Manholes: Manholes and potholes are very common on the road and are enabled to carry the rainwater into the drainages. But these potholes can be life takers in the rainy season if attention is not paid. During the rainy season, it is difficult to identify on which side of the road pothole is, and hitting the pothole can damage the tires and engine.
  6. Maintain distance and avoid sudden breaking: It is very important to maintain distance between cars and other vehicles while driving. In the rainy season when driving on wet roads if breaks are applied suddenly the car might take some time to come to halt. If enough distance is not maintained it may lead to bumping into the car in front of you. Also, it is to be kept in mind that sudden breaking can skid the car or even overturn the car.
  7. Battery and Fuse: The battery of the car plays a very important role when it comes to starting the car while using AC, wipers, lights, etc. When driving through areas with deep waters, the electric components can experience shorting and may be permanently damaged.
  8. Keep washing your car: Rain doesn't do your vehicle any favors. It leaves behind acidic deposits that eat away at the exposed parts of your car, especially the paint job and any metallic finishes. The best thing you can do for the exterior of your vehicle is to wipe it off right away with a dry cloth before it dries up or brush off grime using a microfiber towel.
  9. Before washing, rinse off any tough stains such as bird droppings with plenty of water. Clean the vehicle starting from the top and working down using a soft sponge. Make sure to use solvent-free cleaning products. If you don't have time for a full wash, a quick hose-down can help neutralize acidity after your car has been out in the rain.

  10. Check your headlights and taillights: Your headlights and taillights are more important than ever during the rainy season not just for illuminating the environment when it's dark and stormy but also to indicate your position clearly to other road users. For your driving safety, check that your headlights and taillights are turned on. In damp or humid weather, you may find your light lenses fog over due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside of your vehicle. A simple fix is to switch the lights on, and the fog will clear shortly.
  11. Weather-proof your vehicle with the right accessories: Investing in accessories to protect your vehicle’s interior from water, mud, and dirt is also key to enjoying a more comfortable ride. Protective gear such as rubber floor mats, boot trays, and pedal caps are especially useful during the rainy season.

Driving a car has to be fun in the rainy season but the same fun should not turn into sorrow. If these points are kept in mind while driving the car, accidents and damages to the car can be prevented. For the best online car insurance quotes please visit PolicyBachat where you can check for the best car insurance renewal quotes and compare car insurance quotes.

Why is it necessary to drive cautiously during the rainy season?

When it rains, the roads get slippery, which increases the risk of accidents. A lot of people are not aware of this. This is why they are not cautious while driving during the rainy season. There are several rules that one can follow to drive safely in rain. One should avoid driving too fast and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road to avoid accidents.

Another important rule is to drive slowly and carefully when approaching a wet surface or an intersection with water on it or any other wet areas on the road. It is also important to maintain a safe following distance so that there is enough time to react if something happens in front of you and also keep your headlights on so that others can see you better and be more cautious when they approach you from behind

Driving in the rain can be a scary experience for many people. But if you follow these tips, you will be able to keep yourself and your car safe.

  • Keep your tires inflated to their recommended pressure
  • Wait until the weather improves if possible
  • Double check your car's equipment
  • Maintain a safe distance between cars
  • Watch out for standing water
  • Stay on paved roads as much as possible
  • Avoid driving at high speeds on wet roads
  • Slow down when the road is wet and there is a lot of water on it
  • If you need to make a turn or have to brake suddenly, don't use your brakes too hard or they will lock up
  • Try not to drive through deep puddles because this could cause hydroplaning.

Tips to take care of your Car in the Rainy Season:

  • Clean your headlights, windows, and windshields
  • Change your wiper blades
  • Turn on your headlights
  • Ventilate your car
  • Use your windshield wipers
  • Check your battery
  • Look after your car brakes
  • Properly maintain your tires
  • Maintain your car’s chassis
  • Let off the gas when hydroplaning.

5 Tips to make way across waterlogged Roads:

Driving through waterlogged roads can be difficult, especially with all the potholes and cracks they have. Try to avoid driving on this kind of road. In times of heavy rainfall, driving becomes significantly more difficult and fraught with safety risks. There are a few things you can do to help yourself stay safe or if need to be evacuated from the area. Check out these tips for driving through waterlogged roads.

  • Gauge Water Level
  • Stay in the Centre
  • Composed Driving
  • Avoid Hydrostatic Lock
  • Don’t Panic.
  • Points to remember about driving safely during the monsoon season:

    • Put on the brakes, cut your engine and slow down. This will make things a little easier in case you need to stop and turn around quickly.
    • Keep your windshield clear with the help of an air conditioning system – heating, ventilation & air conditioning
    • If possible, try to drive through any flooded areas in one go without lifting your foot off the gas pedal.
    • Avoid slowing down too quickly when you drive over water. Slowing acceleration helps with braking in these conditions.

    Most Practical Monsoon Car Care Tips That Are Useful:

    Most of the people who find rainfall as trouble are either traveling on the road during the rainfall or are about to step onto the roads which are already filled with traffic and of course the rainwater due to the clogged drainage. While we take certain measures to protect ourselves from the rain, our car needs similar care too. Here are 12 monsoon car care tips that you can use:-

    • Ceramic Paint Protection
    • Anti-Rust Underbody Coating
    • Windshield –Repelling/ Coating
    • Tyre Treads
    • Alloy Wheel Coating
    • Checking the Electricals for Insulation
    • Checking/Servicing the Brakes
    • Replace old wiper Blades
    • Cover your Car
    • Disinfect your Car’s AC
    • Sanitize your Cars Cabin
    • Keep an emergency kit Handy.

    Add-ons/ Riders that Save your Car during Monsoon:

    1. Engine Protection Cover

    The monsoon season can be unpredictable. If water enters your car’s engine, it can cause severe damage to the engine. In addition, the replacement or repair of the engine parts is expensive. In such cases, the Engine Protection cover add-on comes to your rescue by covering the cost of the replacement or repair of engine parts.

    2. Return to Invoice Cover

    Flooding due to heavy rains, storms, or cyclones can cause severe damage to your car. Sometimes damages can be beyond repair. In such cases, the Return to Invoice cover will compensate you with the car’s purchase price or the invoice value.

    3. Consumables Cover

    In case your car gets damaged due to flooding, storms, cyclones, or earthquakes, you have to get the car repaired and bear the cost of consumable items that the Comprehensive Car Insurance Plan does not cover. By adding the Consumables cover, you can reduce the cash outflow from your pocket.

    4. Roadside Assistance Cover

    In case your car has a flat tyre, the insurance company will send its technicians to help fix or replace the flat tyre. Other services include towing, fuel support, taxi support, jumpstarting the battery, emptying the fuel tank, and picking up the car.

    5. Outstation Emergency Cover

    If you have gone on a holiday or visiting relatives/friends and your car breaks down, you may be stranded and require support until the car is fixed. During such instances, the add-on comes to your rescue by providing monetary assistance to help you tide over difficult times.

    6. Zero Depreciation Cover

    During the car insurance claim settlement, depreciation of parts being repaired or replaced is considered, and then the compensation is paid out. However, via the Zero Depreciation cover, we will pay the cost of repair without considering the depreciation of the parts being repaired or replaced, saving you money.

    7. Opt for comprehensive car insurance:

    Third-party liability insurance is mandatory if you want to drive your car on Indian roads. However, it does not protect your car from financial losses in case of unfortunate events. For a bit of extra premium, you can get wider insurance coverage than a third-party liability policy by opting for comprehensive car insurance. With a comprehensive car insurance cover, you can also go for add-ons such as Car Roadside Assistance and Car Engine Protector Cover which can be extremely handy during the rainy season.


    Maintaining a car properly during monsoon is important but it's also important to drive carefully, and not just rely on the mechanical aspects of your car. Avoid these areas when it rains and make sure you drive at a reduced speed.

    People do some kind of vehicle prep work before every season but it gets more intense before the start of the rainy season. Follow the above-mentioned points to be prepared and avoid the monsoon struggles.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Does car insurance cover if my car gets flooded?

    While the Comprehensive Insurance Policy covers losses or damages caused due to flooding, it does not cover damages to the engine parts or gearbox. For that, you can buy the Engine Protection cover add-on to extend the primary plan’s coverage.

    What is the most dangerous time to drive in the rain?

    One should not drive in the rain during the night or when the weather is stormy. Driving on roads clogged with a continuous downpour can also prove to be fatal as you never know what boulder or hole that muddy water ahead of you is hiding.

    At what speed should you drive in the rain?

    To drive safely in the rain, you should slow down to about 1/3 of the normal speed limit since wet roads tend to reduce traction. If you were driving at 60 mph when the road was dry, reduce it to 40 mph once it starts raining.

    Will a Third-party Liability cover insure my car against damages due to waterlogging, flooding, and the monsoon season?

    A Third-party Liability cover will not be able to cover you in case of damage to the insured vehicle due to waterlogging, flooding, or the monsoon season. This is because the third-party policy does not offer an Own Damage cover. An Own Damage cover is offered by a Comprehensive car insurance policy. Therefore, if you are worried about damages to the vehicle, you should insure your car with a Comprehensive policy and choose relevant Add-on covers.

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