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Should You File Small Claims Under Your Car Insurance?

Car insurance provides essential protection against financial losses resulting from accidents or damages. While insurance is designed to provide peace of mind, it's important to consider the implications of filing small claims. This article explores the question of whether you should file small claims under your car insurance. We will examine the importance of car insurance, the impact of small claims on premiums, and the pros and cons associated with filing such claims. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision about how to handle small claims under your car insurance policy.

Car insurance is an agreement between the Insured and the Insurer where the insured pays a certain premium for coverage against any loss or damages to the car due to unforeseen consequences. The premium paid by the insured is to provide coverage in case of any claim. However, we need to think about whether it makes sense to file small claims under a car insurance policy.

Filing Small Claims in India:

Pros Cons
Financial Protection Potential increase in premiums
Convenience and Ease of Filing Loss of Claim free Discounts
Avoidance of Pocket Expenses Impact on Insurability
Peace of Mind Cost Effectiveness
Minimize the burden of repairs & Replacements Long term Implications

Understanding Small Claims under Your Car Insurance Policy:

Small claims are generally minor incidents or damages that fall within a certain monetary threshold, which varies depending on the insurance provider and policy terms. These claims typically involve relatively low-cost repairs, replacements, or reimbursements. They are categorized as small claims due to their limited financial impact.

In India, small claims under car insurance refer to relatively minor incidents or damages that incur lower costs for repairs or replacements. While the exact definition may vary among insurance providers, small claims generally involve damages below a certain threshold, typically ranging from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 20,000.

Common Types of Small Claims Covered by Car Insurance:

  • Minor fender benders: Low-speed collisions resulting in minor dents, scratches, or bumper damage.
  • Broken or cracked windshield: Damages caused by rocks, debris, or other road hazards.
  • Theft of personal belongings: Stolen items from the vehicle, such as electronics, purses, or luggage.
  • Vandalism: Key scratches, graffiti, or damage caused by deliberate acts of vandalism.
  • Minor accidents with no injuries: Low-impact accidents with no significant bodily harm.
  • Key replacement: Coverage for the replacement of lost or stolen car keys.

Factors to Consider When Determining If a Claim is Considered Small:

  • Repair costs: Assess the estimated cost of repairs or replacements. If it falls within the small claims threshold specified by your insurance policy, it may be considered a small claim.
  • Deductible amount: Compare the deductible specified in your policy to the cost of repairs. If the repairs cost less than or close to the deductible, it is likely a small claim.
  • Policy terms and conditions: Review your car insurance policy to understand the coverage limits and exclusions for different types of claims.
  • No-claim bonus: Consider the impact of filing a small claim on your accumulated no-claim bonus and potential future premium discounts.
  • Insurer's guidelines: Consult your insurance provider to understand their specific criteria for categorizing small claims.

By considering these factors, Indian policyholders can determine whether a claim falls under the category of small claims, enabling them to make informed decisions about filing such claims under their car insurance policies.

Real-Life Scenario:

Mr. Raffi has purchased a brand new Hyundai car and took online car insurance from a reputed insurance company for a period of 1 year. He has visited an online portal for car insurance online and did a car insurance comparison using the car insurance calculator. Finally after checking the car insurance quotes he opted for the best car insurance as per his needs.

While he was driving it home from the office he met with a minor accident and there were scratches on the front bumper of the car. He was deeply saddened by this incident as his car was purchased recently, but he was comforted by the fact that his car is insured and the insurance claim will be paid by his insurer.

He took the car to a nearby showroom to arrive at the claim amount and found the claim amount to be Rs.6000 including the service and labor charges. He shared this incident with his friend and also told him that he was planning to file a claim for the same. However, his friend advised him against it now putting Mr. Raffi in dilemma. His friend advised him against filing the claim as the repair amount is very less and instead pays for the repairs from his pocket.

Not fully convinced Mr. Raffi felt that as his car was insured it was his right to file a claim. However, he was also worried about the side effects of making a claim i.e., how would it impact his claim history and renewal premiums?

Concept of Compulsory Deductible/ Excess:

Compulsory deductible or excess is a part of the claim amount that has to be borne by the insured in the event of claim. The compulsory deductible is also called as excess and is applicable while making claim. In simple terms deductible is the amount that you have to pay from your pocket in the event of a claim post which the insurance company settles the remaining amount. For example you have made a claim of Rs.10, 000 and the deductible for your car is Rs.1500, in this case insurance company will settle only Rs. 8500. The remaining amount has to be borne by you known as the compulsory deductible. The compulsory deductible has two slabs in the Car insurance, they are:

Cubic Capacity (cc) Compulsory Deductible Amount
Less than 1500cc Rs.1000
More than 1500cc Rs. 2000

Calculation of Claim Amount:

A no claim bonus is normally given by insurers on the renewal premium if there is no claim in the expiring policy. This no claim bonus starts at 20% and goes up to 50% for each claim-free year. Even if a single claim is made, the NCB goes back to 0%, which is another reason to think twice before filing small claims.

Let us take the above example, assume Mr. Raffi’s policy has a deductible of Rs.2000 and the NCB on the policy is calculated to be Rs.6000 which is 35% NCB slab. As stated above the claim amount was around Rs.6000, then Mr. Raffi has to pay Rs.2000 from his pocket and the remaining Rs.4000 will be settled by the insurance company. But at the time of renewal, he’ll end up losing the No claim bonus amount which is Rs.6000. Here it makes monetary sense to make a claim only if the claim amount is above Rs.10000.

So it is wise to forgo the NCB only if the claim amount is higher and bear the repair expenses from your pocket if the claim amount is small. Since the No claim bonus is calculated only on the Own damage section of the policy, every Third party claim is to be reported to the insurance company for the claim.

After the expired car insurance, the new policy is issued once the pre-inspection report is satisfactory and the period of insurance starts from the day of premium payment. Car insurance expired when the renewal is not done within the expiry date. Once the policy expires, the inspection would be mandatory by the insurance companies before accepting the risk.

Remember to file a claim only if the Claim amount is higher than the No claim bonus discount and deductible. Also, remember insurers prefer cars with No claim bonus (NCB) intact. Vehicles with No claim bonus have a chance of getting higher discounts and low premiums.

Pros of Filing Small Claims:

The pros of filing small claims under car insurance include receiving financial protection and reimbursement for damages, experiencing convenience and ease during the claim filing process, and avoiding out-of-pocket expenses for minor repairs or replacements. These advantages make small claims a viable option for policyholders in certain circumstances.

A. Financial protection and reimbursement for damages:

Filing small claims under car insurance provides financial protection by allowing you to receive reimbursement for damages. It ensures that you do not bear the full financial burden of repairs or replacements out of your own pocket. This can be particularly beneficial if the damages exceed your ability to pay comfortably.

B. Convenience and ease of filing a claim:

Car insurance companies generally have streamlined processes for filing claims, making it convenient and straightforward for policyholders. Most insurance providers offer online claim filing options, allowing you to submit necessary documentation and information without hassle. This convenience saves you time and effort compared to managing repairs independently.

C. Avoiding out-of-pocket expenses for minor repairs or replacements:

Small claims enable you to avoid significant out-of-pocket expenses for minor damages to your vehicle. Instead of paying for repairs or replacements yourself, filing a claim ensures that the insurance company covers the costs, subject to deductibles and policy limits. This can help you maintain your financial stability by allocating funds for other necessary expenses.

D. Peace of mind: Filing a small claim can provide peace of mind, knowing that you have financial protection and support from your insurance company in case of unforeseen incidents.

Cons of Filing Small Claims:

It's crucial to weigh these cons against the benefits and consider the financial impact and long-term implications before deciding to file small claims under your car insurance policy. Assessing the overall cost-effectiveness and considering alternative options can help make an informed decision that aligns with your individual needs and circumstances.

A. Potential increase in insurance premiums: One significant disadvantage of filing small claims under car insurance is the potential increase in insurance premiums. Insurance companies may view multiple claims, even for minor damages, as an indication of higher risk. As a result, they may raise your premiums when it's time for policy renewal.

B. Loss of claim-free discounts and benefits: Filing small claims can lead to the loss of claim-free discounts or benefits that you may have earned over time. These discounts are typically offered to policyholders who have maintained a claims-free record for a certain period. Losing these discounts can result in higher premiums and reduced cost savings.

C. Long-term impact on insurability and future premiums: Frequent small claims can have a long-term impact on your insurability and future premiums. Insurance companies consider a policyholder's claims history when determining rates and coverage eligibility. If you have a history of multiple claims, it may become more challenging to secure favorable rates or coverage with other insurers in the future.

D. Deductible and affordability: When filing a small claim, it's important to consider the deductible amount specified in your policy. If the cost of repairs is close to or lower than the deductible, it may not be financially beneficial to file a claim. Paying for minor damages out of pocket may be more cost-effective in such cases.

E. Long-term implications: Filing small claims can have long-term implications on your insurance history and premiums. It's essential to consider the cumulative effect of multiple claims and the potential impact on your future coverage and costs.

Factors to Consider while Filing Small Claims Under Car Insurance:

By considering these factors, you can make a more informed decision about whether to file a small claim under your car insurance. It's important to evaluate your individual circumstances, policy terms, and consult with your insurance provider or a financial advisor, if needed.

  • Policyholder's claims history and frequency: Evaluate your claims history and frequency when deciding whether to file a small claim. Insurance companies often consider the number and frequency of claims when determining premiums. If you have a history of multiple claims, filing another claim may lead to higher premiums or impact your insurability in the future.
  • Deductible amount and its effect on the decision to file a claim: Take into account the deductible specified in your car insurance policy. If the cost of repairs or replacements is close to or lower than the deductible, it may not be financially advantageous to file a claim. Paying for minor damages out of pocket might be more cost-effective in such cases.
  • The overall financial situation and ability to absorb out-of-pocket expenses: Consider your current financial situation and ability to absorb out-of-pocket expenses. If the cost of repairs or replacements is manageable and won't strain your budget, it might be more practical to handle the expenses independently. However, if the financial burden is substantial, filing a claim could provide the necessary reimbursement and financial support.
  • Impact on future premiums and insurability: Think about the potential impact on future premiums and your ability to obtain insurance coverage. Insurance companies may view a history of frequent claims, even small ones, as a higher risk factor. This could result in increased premiums or difficulty securing coverage with other insurers. Consider the long-term implications and weigh them against the immediate benefits of filing a small claim.
  • Alternative options and cost-effectiveness: Explore alternative options such as seeking out independent repair services or utilizing warranties. Compare the cost of repairs or replacements to the potential increase in premiums over time. Assess the overall cost-effectiveness of filing a small claim versus paying for the damages directly.

Alternatives to Filing Small Claims:

By exploring these alternatives, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial situation and minimizes the impact on your insurance premiums. Consider the specific circumstances of the incident, and your policy terms, and consult with your insurance provider or a professional advisor to determine the best course of action.

Self-Financing Minor Repairs or Replacements: If the cost of repairs or replacements for minor damages falls within your budget, you may consider self-financing the expenses. This approach avoids the potential increase in premiums and the impact on your claims history. However, ensure that self-financing is a feasible option based on your financial situation.

Utilizing Extended Warranties or Specialized Coverage: Check if your car insurance policy includes extended warranties or specialized coverage options. These coverages may provide protection for specific damages or components of your vehicle, such as mechanical breakdowns or tire damage. Utilizing these coverages can help avoid filing a small claim and potentially mitigate the impact on your premiums.

Seeking Reimbursement from Third Parties Involved in the Incident: If someone else was responsible for the damages to your vehicle, explore the possibility of seeking reimbursement from their insurance company or directly from them. This approach may involve filing a claim against the at-fault party's insurance or negotiating a settlement. This way, you can potentially avoid filing a claim under your own insurance policy.

Assessing No-Claim Bonus Preservation: Consider the preservation of your accumulated no-claim bonus. If the damages are minor and the cost of repairs is below the bonus amount, it may be more cost-effective to preserve the no-claim bonus by not filing a claim. This can lead to future premium discounts and savings.

Evaluating Repair Shop Options: Shop around for repair shops and obtain multiple quotes for the cost of repairs. Some repair shops may offer competitive pricing or discounts, reducing out-of-pocket expenses. Compare these costs with the potential increase in premiums to determine the most cost-effective option.


What is Considered a Small Claim Under Car Insurance in India?

Small claims typically refer to minor damages or losses that fall within the coverage limits of your car insurance policy. These can include damages from accidents, theft, or natural calamities that result in relatively low repair or replacement costs.

Will Filing a Small Claim Increase My Insurance Premiums in India?

Yes, filing small claims can potentially lead to an increase in insurance premiums. Insurance companies may view multiple claims, even for minor damages, as an increased risk, and adjust the premiums accordingly during policy renewal.

Are there any Alternatives to Filing Small Claims Under Car Insurance in India?

Yes, there are alternatives to consider. Self-financing minor repairs, utilizing extended warranties or specialized coverage, and seeking reimbursement from third parties involved in the incident are some options to explore before filing a small claim. Assessing the cost-effectiveness of each option is essential.

Can Filing Small Claims Impact My Future Insurability in India?

Yes, frequent small claims can impact your future insurability. Insurance companies consider your claims history when determining rates and coverage eligibility. A history of multiple claims, even if they are small, may make it more challenging to obtain favorable rates or coverage from other insurers in the future.

How Do I Determine If Filing A Small Claim Is Cost-Effective in India?

To determine cost-effectiveness, compare the cost of repairs or replacements to the potential increase in premiums over time. Consider factors such as your deductible, affordability of out-of-pocket expenses, and the long-term impact on premiums. It's important to weigh the immediate benefits against the long-term financial implications.


In conclusion, when deciding whether to file small claims under car insurance in India, it is crucial to carefully consider the individual circumstances and weigh the potential financial impact. While filing small claims can provide financial protection, convenience, and reimbursement for damages, it is important to balance these benefits against potential increases in insurance premiums, loss of claim-free discounts, and long-term impacts on insurability. By assessing factors such as claims history, deductibles, and overall financial situation, individuals can make informed decisions that align with their needs and minimize any adverse consequences. Making a thoughtful and well-informed choice is essential to ensure the best outcome when it comes to filing small claims under car insurance in India.

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