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Rat Bite Cover In Car Insurance

Electrical installations in cars are one of the most sensitive parts and even the slightest damage to them could render the car malfunctioning the car. We have seen many instances where the damages to the electrical systems in cars are caused by the rodent or rat bite leading to the repairs. A rodent or rat might chew the wires in the electrical system of the car which causes the malfunction of the car and damage to the electrical system.

There might be many questions popping up in your mind regarding the rodent bite such as Is rat bite covered in insurance in India? Is rat damage to the car covered in insurance? Does car insurance cover rat damage? What is the process for a rat damage insurance claim? how to avoid rat bites in the car? Etc. will be answered in this article.

Real Life Scenario:

Ms. Ruby has purchased a brand new Audi car and has taken Comprehensive online car insurance for the period 2020-21. She has done car insurance comparisons for car insurance online before purchasing a car insurance policy. Due to insufficient parking space, she was forced to park her car on the road near her house. Her house is near an underground tunnel many residents including her are facing the menace of rodents. These rodents are roaming around the colony freely causing all possible kinds of damage to the properties around.

Ms. Ruby and her family had left for an outstation trip leaving their car behind parking on the road. After the trip, while taking out her car she found that the car was not starting. After examining the system she found that the wires connecting the engine are chewed off by a rodent. She has taken the car to a nearby garage and after careful examination, the final repair bill came around Rs.45, 000. The Audi car insurance for comprehensive cover can reach as high as Rs.2 Lacs when the extra coverage has opted in the form of add-ons or Riders.

What is Rat Bite Cover in Car Insurance?

Rat bites are not common, but they can happen. They can be caused by a rat chewing on the car wiring or by the rat getting under the hood and biting through a wire. A rat bite cover is an insurance policy that covers damage to your car caused by rats.

Rat bite cover is a term that is used to refer to a type of insurance that you can purchase for your car. If you have a rat bite cover, then your insurance company will pay for the cost of repairing any damage that has been caused by rats.

There are two types of rat bite cover: the first type pays for repairs if someone else's pet damages your car. The second type pays for repairs if you have a rat corruption in your home, and they chew through some wiring and cause some damage to your car.

Why Rat Bite Cover in Car Insurance is Needed?

There are a number of reasons why you might want to get a rat bite cover. If you live in a city, for example, it is more likely that there will be rats around. Rats love to chew on car wiring and this can cause all sorts of problems. They can even bite into the wiring and cause the engine to stop working or start emitting smoke from the engine.

If you have a rat bite cover then your insurance company will pay up if anything happens to your car as a result of them chewing on it. A rat bite is a type of damage that occurs to the car caused by the rat. The rat bite can occur when the car is parked in a place with high rodent activity. The rat will chew on the car and leave tooth marks on its surface. A car insurance company can offer coverage for this type of damage as part of their standard coverage or as an option to purchase.

How Rat Bite Cover in Car Insurance Works?

The rat bite cover in car insurance is a type of insurance that covers the cost of repairs for the car if it is damaged by rats. This kind of cover is often offered when you buy a new car. The rat bite cover in car insurance is not very common, but it does offer some peace of mind for those buying cars that are vulnerable to rats.

The rat bite cover in car insurance provides protection for the car owner if a rat has bitten through the car's wiring or has damaged other parts of the car. The cover will pay for repairs to those parts, as well as any other damage caused by rats.

Car insurance is a type of insurance that covers damage to your vehicle and its contents. This includes third-party liability, fire and theft, personal injury and accidental damage, and windscreen cover.

Is Rat Bite Covered in Car insurance?

Ms. Ruby has then intimated the incident to her online car insurance company stating that the loss has occurred due to rodent damage. The insurance company has sent a surveyor to examine the loss and arrive at the quantum of loss. After a couple of days, she has received a mail from the insurance company stating that the claim is rejected.

Upon enquiring with the insurance company, they replied that the damage is caused due wear and tear and not due to the rodent bite. Even though it is clearly visible that the wires are chewed off by a rodent, the insurance company is not ready to settle the claim.

This behavior from the insured forced Ms.Ruby to file a complaint in the Ombudsman against the insurer. The Ombudsman has observed that the damage is caused by the rodents which is accidental and is by external means and ordered the insurance company to settle the claim with interest payable above bank rate.

It can be observed here that the damage is caused by an external visible means and the damage was accidental in nature. As per the policy wording of the Comprehensive insurance, any accidental damage which is external and by visible means should be covered under the policy.

How to Prevent Rodent Damage to your Car?

If you have experienced rodent damage or you would like to prevent your car from rodent damage then the following preventive measures are to be taken.

  • Don’t throw leftovers outside: Leftovers from your last meal are to be disposed of properly. If they are thrown out or near the car there is a high chance that it will attract not only the dogs and cats but also rodents. If it becomes a habit, then the rodents try to get accommodation near the leftovers which would be your car. In the search for accommodation, rodents can cause severe damage to your car.
  • Stay away from Rodent Zones: Avoid parking your vehicle in the rodent prone area. Rodent prone areas such as a forest, tall grass, shrubs, near drains, etc. If you are parking outside, stick to open areas and gravel roads.
  • Seal the Hiding places: Anyplace in your garage or your house you feel can be used as a hiding place for rats and rodents should be sealed off completely.
  • Protect Car engine: One more important thing to do is to block any entrances to the engine with any available material while taking care that it doesn’t disturb the functioning of the vehicle. If possible use rodent or rat repellents near the car to prevent rats from entering the engine of the car.

How to Protect Car from Rats?

Rodents can be found everywhere and the chances of entering into the car and damaging it. Let us know how to prevent rats in cars? how to prevent rodent damage in cars? how to prevent rats from entering cars? how to avoid rats in the car?

  • Rats hate lighting so keep your car in a spot with ample lighting and let light disturb the creature that might be nesting there.
  • There are several types of repellents to avoid rats in the car. Use peppermint oil and strategically place them in different corners to keep the rodents away.
  • Keep food out of their reach and keep your surroundings clean.

How to Protect Car Engine from Rats?

  • Remove or seal off rat hiding places near the car
  • Block small entrances to the car engine compartment
  • Use electronic deterrent devices
  • Make your engine clean

How Does Car Insurance Cover Rodent Damage and Chewed Wires?

We all know that rodents can be destructive, but we may not think of them as a threat to our cars. They can chew through wires and cause damage to the engine. Rodents can also chew through brake lines and cause accidents.

Even though rodents may not be a big concern for car insurance companies, they do cover rodent damage and chewed wires.

The comprehensive insurance coverage pays for damage to your car or truck from any cause other than a collision. In addition to damaged wires, comprehensive coverage also pays for things like:

  • Hail damage
  • Falling debris
  • Vandalism.

Does Comprehensive Auto Insurance Cover Rodent Damage?

The Comprehensive auto insurance policy not only covers third-party damages but also covers damages due to an animal attack on your car. So, under the own damage section of the comprehensive auto insurance policy, damage due to rodents that get inside your car may be covered.

How Do Rodents Harm Your Car?

Rodents are a major problem for a lot of people. They can cause a lot of damage to your car and even make it impossible to insure. If you see any rodents near your car, it is important that you take action as soon as possible. You should start by looking for any signs of rodent activity on the exterior of the car. If there is anything suspicious, you should contact a pest control service as soon as possible.

  • Wires
  • Belts
  • Cables
  • Hoses
  • Filters

If your vehicle sits for prolonged periods of inactivity, rodents may set up camp by building a nest in your car. In addition to being out of sight and difficult for you to locate, a hidden nest may prevent the vehicle from operating correctly. Rodents have built nests in all areas of cars:

  • Engine compartment
  • Under center console
  • Climate control ducts
  • Behind paneling
  • Trunk

Rodents use whatever they can find for nest material, such as twigs and leaves. Some car owners have reported discovering nests made of the insulation scavenged from hood liners and vehicle carpeting.

How to File a Claim for Rat Bite Cover in Car Insurance?

The rat bite cover is a type of insurance that covers the expenses for the car's damage caused by a rat bite. The coverage includes the costs for repairing or replacing the car, as well as any other damages that occur to it. Drivers can buy this insurance from their car insurance company.

This type of cover is not common and only a few drivers know about its existence. It's important to know how to file a claim in case you need to use this type of cover, so we've included some tips on how to do it below:

  • Contact your car insurance company and tell them what happened (i.e., you were bitten by a rat). Provide them with all the details about your situation
  • The first step is documenting all of the damage. Take photos of your vehicle that clearly show any visible damage the rodents have caused. Contact your insurance agent or company as soon as possible to get the claims process started.
  • Next, the insurance company will either send a claims adjuster to your home or have you drive to a pre-approved auto body repair shop for a vehicle inspection. After your claim has been processed and approved, you'll be issued a check for the cost of repairs, or an approved mechanic will perform the necessary repairs. If your claim is denied, contact the insurance agent of the company.
  • If you have a comprehensive policy with a high deductible, and your vehicle is still drivable, consider taking your car to a trusted mechanic for a quote on the repairs. If the cost of fixing your vehicle is less than the deductible on your policy, it may be best to bite the bullet and pay for the damage out-of-pocket.


After understanding the rodent or rat bite damages caused to the car, we can finally conclude the below points.

  • Rat bite coverage in motor insurance is covered under the own damage section of the comprehensive car insurance.
  • Rat damage insurance claim is admissible under the Own damage section of the Car insurance as the damage is caused by Accidental and visible external means.

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