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Comprehensive Insurance Vs Bumper To Bumper Insurance

In order to judge which insurance policy delivers the best coverage, we need to know the pros and cons of comprehensive insurance and bumper-to-bumper insurance. By having awareness about the car insurance policies one can opt for the best insurance policy depending on your requirement.

Comprehensive car insurance covers specific risks that bumper-to-bumper does not. Bumper to bumper insurance covers damages that are to the front, back, and sides of the vehicle. Comprehensive coverage also includes protection against theft, vandalism, and fire.

Bumper to bumper is cheaper than comprehensive because comprehensive covers much more than just the physical damages of the car. Comprehensive insurance protects the driver and the car in case of an accident, while bumper to bumper insurance covers just the car.

Comprehensive insurance is more expensive than bumper to bumper but it offers more coverage. It covers you for damages caused by accidents, fire, theft, storms, and vandalism.

Bumper to bumper is cheaper but provides less coverage. It only covers damages done on the fender or bumpers of the vehicle in case of an accident or another incident like theft or vandalism. If you want more comprehensive coverage, you should opt for comprehensive insurance.

"Comprehensive Insurance + Zero Depreciation = 100% Satisfaction."

Comprehensive Car Insurance policy:

A comprehensive policy offers coverage for eventualities such as glass damage, arson or vandalism, natural disasters, riot damage, etc, and also offers third party coverage. Comprehensive insurance also covers theft and damage caused by third parties. However, when you do an actual car insurance comparison by looking at terms and inclusions as set out in the contract, you realize that your so-called ‘comprehensive’ policy may not really cover every one of all the possible eventualities. In the event, the policyholder may need to buy additional coverage in the form of a medical claim, engine protector, collision insurance, and/or zero dep riders.

The comprehensive policy protects your vehicle from the vast range of damages apart from collision, damages caused due to:

  • Natural disaster
  • Vandalism
  • Fire accident
  • Damages caused by animals
  • Civil destruction (damage caused due to riots)
  • Damage to the third party
  • Glass damage

The scheme is immense as it covers liability caused by third parties, damages to the car, and by theft. There is also special coverage add-on like zero depreciation cover, medical claim, and engine protector to avail total coverage. This coverage is hugely recommended to the policyholders who seek compensation for their damaged cars and natural calamities. In order to avail compensation for your damaged vehicle you also opt for collision insurance coverage too.

From the customer's perspective, comprehensive policy fetches more and drives back to opt for the policy. But, just think will you afford the huge damage cost in case of loss due to unfortunate incidents, you will be assured with the covered perils in comprehensive coverage.

Benefits of Buying Comprehensive car insurance:

A comprehensive car insurance policy protects your car from any unforeseen event except collision. It also covers losses incurred during an accident.

  • It is the highest level of protection you can give your car.
  • If you are found to be at fault in event of an accident, with comprehensive car insurance, you can claim for losses incurred in such situations.
  • It covers lawsuits, including legal fees brought against you as a result of an accident.
  • Peace of mind and financial protection.
  • Offers financial aid in case your car is written off.
  • Unlike third-party insurance, it covers damages caused to your car during an accident.

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

When you look out for car insurance, there are three kinds of policies that you will get:

  • Third-party only (TPO)
  • Third-party, fire, and theft (TPFT)
  • Comprehensive

What Does Comprehensive Insurance Not Cover?

If your vehicle undergoes damage due to a collision, then a car insurance claim cannot be made unless you have comprehensive car insurance. Similarly, there are a bunch of things that have been excluded from comprehensive car insurance:

  • Depreciation
  • Wear and tear of the vehicle
  • Electrical or Mechanical breakdown
  • Damage caused to the vehicle by a person driving without a valid license
  • Damage caused due to drunken driving
  • Damage caused due to driving under the influence of drugs
  • Damage to tires and tubes. However, if the vehicle is damaged at the same time, the liability of the company will be limited to 50% of the replacement cost
  • Loss/damage to the car caused by war, mutiny, or nuclear risk.

Who can opt for a Comprehensive Insurance Policy?

People who are looking for the complete protection of their vehicle apart from the insurance value and those who are aware of the risk factors for vehicle damage can opt for this policy.

A comprehensive insurance plan is recommended if you want more coverage for your automobile than the third-party obligatory plan. It offers the finest financial protection against unexpected car damage. The following are the variables that necessitate the purchase of a comprehensive auto insurance policy:

  • Covers damage to both third parties and one's own vehicle as a result of an accident.
  • Covers losses caused by natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, and storms, among others.
  • Provides compensation in the event of theft.
  • Covers losses caused by man-made disasters such as vandalism, rioting, and so on.
  • Covers losses incurred as a result of a fire or explosion.
  • Provides compensation for damages that are irreparable.

Bumper to bumper Car Insurance Policy:

The Zero Depreciation Car Insurance policy also often referred to as bumper to bumper car insurance. Whereas a basic or third party policy covers damage to the third party or their vehicle in case of an accident, bumper to bumper insurance offers coverage to your vehicle as well.

Bumper to bumper insurance covers the value of the external part of the body, it doesn't take internal parts' value into scrutiny. This is the right opportunity for those who want the company to pay bumper to bumper damages without any additional cost borne by the policyholder. Bumper to bumper insurance policy is also known as zero depreciation policy where 100% of repairs and metal cost of the external body will be borne by the company itself.

Example Case: If your car has been damaged and repair costs you 60,000 in total, if you don't opt for the zero depreciation you might be borne the charges like 10,000- 15,000 from the repairs cost remaining will be borne by the company.

In case of a zero depreciation policy entire 60,000 will be borne by the company only, 100% coverage can be claimed.

Note these features to avail bumper to bumper depreciation policy:

Premium cost:
Premium coverage costs slightly higher than a comprehensive policy, in order to claim repairs for bumper to bumper.

Applicable to new cars:
Mostly bumper to bumper depreciation will apply to the new cars only, there is a special restriction on the age of the car on exceeding the specified limit you won't avail of the add-on.

A number of claims:
Bumper to bumper insurance claim is restricted to specified numbers in the specific year, please read the policy documents keenly which varies from the insurance company.

Other damages: The policy doesn't cover damages caused by oil leakage, wear, and tear of the body components like bearings, clutch plates, etc.

When should you choose Bumper-to-Bumper Insurance?

Here are the situations when you need to opt for Bumper-to-Bumper Car Insurance.

  • If you own a brand new car
  • If you need full coverage for the repair costs
  • If your car falls under the luxury or premium category
  • If you are concerned about minor dents in your car
  • If you live in an accident-prone area
  • If you have just started to learn driving
  • If the car parts are expensive

Benefits of Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance Policy:

Zero Depreciation is also known as Nil Depreciation or Bumper to Bumper cover that leaves out the ‘depreciation’ factor from the coverage.

It basically means that if your car or bike gets damaged following a collision, no depreciation is subtracted from the coverage of wear and tear of any body parts of your vehicle.

  • The insurance company will offer you 100% of the entire cost (of course, minus the deductibles) of the body part which has to be repaired or replaced.
  • So, as we see we cannot really compare comprehensive insurance vs zero depreciation, as zero depreciation is only an add-on that can be taken with comprehensive cover, however, the former includes everything required to protect your car.

Who can opt for a Bumper to Bumper Policy?

Clients who are going with the new car zero depreciation policy recommended, in this policy only bumper to bumper damages can be claimed. For those who don't want to spend the depreciation cost for damages, this policy is ideal for them too.

Difference between Bumper to bumper and Comprehensive Insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance had its own limitations in the form of depreciation. Depreciation refers to the decrease in the value of the asset over a period of time due to usage. The depreciation is factored in the case of a comprehensive car insurance claim and the only partial claim amount is paid to the insured. The remaining amount has to be borne by the insured customer which is the depreciated amount for the damaged parts.

This had led to the need for the Bumper to bumper cover or the Zero depreciation cover in car insurance at the time of claim. The Zero depreciation cover is the most preferred add-on or rider in the car insurance plan as it covers almost the entire claim amount incurred by the insured due to an accident. Let us understand the difference between the Zero depreciation cover and the Comprehensive cover in car insurance.

Parameter Comprehensive Policy Zero Depreciation Policy
Premium Low Comparatively High
Max. number of claims No Limit Limited to 2
Car age limit All cars up to 15 years old New cars till 5 years
Plastic (all parts made with plastic) 50% is covered 100% covered
Glass – Windshield, side glass 100% covered 100% covered
Metal parts 1st year- 95% , 2nd year- 90% 3rd year- 85%, 4th year- 75% 5th year- 65%, up to 10 years 50% covered 100% covered
Airbags (damaged due to accident) 50% covered 100% covered
Burglary Up to IDV covered Up to IDV covered
Claim settlement Current value after depreciation is covered IDV without depreciation is covered
Non-deductible spare parts/ labour charges 100% covered 100% covered

Let's look at the factors bumper to bumper insurance vs comprehensive insurance, which benefits you in terms of the claim value.

Factors Bumper to bumper Comprehensive
Premium high compared to comprehensive low
Total claims in a year depends on the insurance company(Usually 2) No restriction
Plastic parts 100% claimed 50% claimed
Type of cars cars till 5yrs old all cars up to 15 yrs
Airbags (in case of accidents) 100% 50%
Theft Protection IDV can be claimed IDV can be claimed


A vehicle may have unpredicted incidents and be vulnerable to damages, a standard insurance policy may not give you optimum insurance coverage. Boost your insurance coverage with additional premium plans which worth premium damage protection.

Comprehensive coverage and bumper to bumper insurance both have their distinct benefits; you need to take the ideal insurance, which is apt as per your requirement.

How to Buy Comprehensive & Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance Policy?

At PolicyBachat.com Purchase a Comprehensive and Bumper to Bumper car insurance policy online is easy and quickly sitting at home. Follow the below-mentioned steps to buy a Comprehensive car insurance policy within 5 minutes.

  • Go to 'Car Insurance Online' to compare quotes above this article. Fill in the registration number of your car and required details and tap on 'Start Save Money.
  • On the quotes section, either go with your current provider or choose another one to suit your needs.
  • Make the payment and you will receive the confirmation at your email address. If assistance needs Call: 1800-123-4003.

FAQs of Comprehensive vs Bumper to Bumper Car Insurance Policy:

Does a Comprehensive Insurance Plan cover bumper to bumper?

No, it does not cover your car from bumper to bumper. A Comprehensive Insurance Plan is designed to cover damages or losses to the insured vehicle. However, during the settlement of claims, the repair bill will be paid after deducting the depreciation of the parts being replaced or repaired.

How do I check if my car insurance has Bumper to Bumper Insurance?

You can check the policy document since it is stated in the policy. It is officially known as Zero Depreciation Cover. So, look for the mention of Zero Depreciation Cover or ZD Cover to ensure if your car insurance has Bumper-to-Bumper Insurance.

Is damage to the car bumper covered under insurance?

Damage to the car bumper is covered only under the Comprehensive Insurance Plan and not under the Third-party Insurance Plan.

Is it worth buying a Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy for my car?

Yes., Apart from covering third-party liabilities, the Comprehensive Plan also covers damages to the insured car, including theft and damages that are beyond repair. You also have the option to include relevant add-ons to reduce the impact of associated financial risks.

Is it worth buying Bumper to Bumper insurance for my car?

By including the Zero Depreciation Cover (Bumper-to-Bumper), buying the add-on would cost you a bit more, but the benefits would be worth it in times of crisis.

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