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Car Insurance For Vandalism

Vandalism is a major issue in today’s society. It can be difficult to know how to protect yourself from vandalism. There are many ways that you can reduce the risk of vandalism to your property, and it is important to know about them before it happens.

A vandal risk insurance policy is a type of insurance that protects you from the financial consequences of vandalism or graffiti on your property. These policies are often used by homeowners, landlords, and business owners who need protection against damage caused by vandals or graffiti artists.

There are many ways that you can reduce the risk of vandalism to your property, but some methods are more effective than others. Here are some tips:

  • Install motion sensor lights outside your home and have security cameras installed inside
  • Consider installing an alarm system on your car
  • Use a car cover when not in use
  • If you're parking in a public lot, park close to other cars so they act as a barrier.

What is vandalism?

Vandalism usually occurs as a result of anger, and it typically involves property damage. Sometimes it's used to show violent disagreement with something in society, like during riots. Examples of private property that's often vandalized are homes and vehicles. Some examples of protest events are a group of people attacking vehicles like buses, cars, and bikes with stones at the protests; rioting against the law enforcement by vandalizing cars and destroying public property.

Vandalism is a major problem for insurance companies. This is because vandalism is unpredictable and can happen at any time. In order to protect their customers, many insurance companies have started to offer vandal cover - an extra protection that will help you with the costs of repairing your car if it gets vandalized. The best car insurance for vandals will be one that offers the most comprehensive coverage and the best customer service.

When does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism?

If you have comprehensive insurance on your car insurance policy, you would be covered for all cases of vandalism. Whether your car was keyed, the windshield shattered, spray painted, etc. you can file a comprehensive claim with your insurer, who will then reimburse you for the costs of the repairs. Comprehensive coverage also shields you from other damaging events that are out of your control such as:

  • Flood damage
  • Theft
  • Animal damage
  • Tree or branch damage.

Vandalism is when someone deliberately damages or defaces your vehicle. For example, they may do this while you're driving, parked at home in your driveway or in a public parking lot. The most common acts of auto vandalism include:

  • Spray paint damage
  • Eggs thrown at the car
  • Slashed tires
  • Bodywork being bashed and dented
  • Graffiti
  • Broken windows, headlights, or taillights
  • Dents or scratches from someone keying your car
  • Wing mirrors being ripped off or broken
  • Putting sugar or other substances into your gas tank.
Repair Scratches Rs. 4000 to 5000
Fixing dents Rs. 3000 to 4500
Broken/chipped windshield Rs. 5000 to 10000 and above
New Paint Job Rs. 10000 and above

How Much Does Insurance cover if my Car is destroyed by Vandalism?

If your car is vandalized, you may be wondering how much your insurance company will cover. Unfortunately, it depends on the type of vandalism and the coverage that you have. If the vandalism is minor, such as a broken window or a dent in the body, then your car insurance will probably cover it.

If there are scratches or other damage to paint or other parts of the car that are not covered by collision insurance, then your car insurance will also cover it. However, if any part of the car was stolen from such as a wheel or tires, then you may need to file a claim with your car insurance policy.

Tips to Reduce Your Risk of a Vandalism Claim

The vandalism risk insurance is a type of insurance that covers the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it gets vandalized.

Tips to reduce your risk of vandalism claim:

  • Have security cameras installed at key locations
  • Install motion sensors on your property
  • Use a car alarm system with remote control
  • Install window tinting on all windows.

How to raise a Car Insurance Claim against Vandalism?

Vandalism can be costly and if you want to raise a claim against it, the first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. The customer care executive or an insurance expert will guide you through the correct process as per the terms of the insurer. The insurance claim initiation process for vandalism is similar to claims made for other types of car damages.

  • First you need to inform your insurance company of such damages.
  • While it can be done over an e-mail or physical application, some insurance companies allow you to lodge a claim via their mobile application too.
  • In your claim application, you will be required to provide specific documents, like the insurance policy number, your car’s registration number, first information report in case of vandalism, evidence in form of pictures or videos of the damage to your car, PUC certificate, and any other documents as requested.

Nowadays, a claim can be raised digitally as well. You can use an app or visit the insurance company's website to raise a claim. You need to be ready with the following details:

  • Car insurance policy number
  • Car’s Registration Number
  • FIR (if requested by the insurer)
  • Pictures or videos of the damaged car
  • Any other documents as requested by the insurer.

Additionally, try keeping any newspaper clippings or online articles about the incident on hand. This will help in secure your claim and receiving faster approvals. "Once the car insurance claim is approved, it will get settled within 1-3 business days.

Is Vandalism Covered by Car Insurance?

Yes, car insurance covers vandalism through the comprehensive car insurance plan which includes the protection from vandalism. Car insurance plans are broadly classified into two types such as:-

  • Third-party plan
  • Comprehensive policy

Third party Policy: A third-party policy is the one that safeguards you, the policyholder, against liabilities that may arise. These liabilities can be either due to an accident or collision causing injury to a third person or damaging their property.  In addition, the compensation for the death of such a third person due to an accident is also covered by the insurance policy. Thus, third-party plans limit the coverage only for legal liabilities.

Comprehensive policy: This comprehensive car insurance policy is combination of both third-party coverage along with own-damage protection. Thus, it offers protection for damages to your car along with safeguarding against legal liabilities. Since such an own-damage cover includes protection from natural disaster and human-induced activities, it covers vandalism too.

How do you prevent Vandalism?

Vandalism could be a random act of mischief. But it usually involves a bit of strategy on the criminal’s part. As unpredictable as the crimes are, you can take steps to deter vandals or prevent them from doing further harm.

These methods have been proven to help prevent your car from being targeted:

  • Install an alarm: Consider an alarm system to send the culprit running. They won’t stay long once the horns start blaring. In fact, even the thought of an alarm going off may even be enough to scare someone away. Fake criminals out with a blinking light or security sticker if a new system isn’t in your budget.
  • Keep it in the garage: Park your car in a garage if possible. Most criminals target easily accessible cars, so an extra barrier between your vehicles will act as a deterrent. This advice applies at home, and for public parking garages.
  • Park in the light: If your car is more visible, so is the person vandalizing it? If you can’t park in a garage, try to leave your car in a well-lit, open area. If parking outside at home, you may want to consider adding a motion-sensor light near your driveway. The lights will put the criminal in plain sight and make them less inclined to stick around.
  • Rally the neighborhood: Ask your neighbors to help keep watch if you suspect criminal activity where you live. An extra set of eyes could lead to an eyewitness. And it’s in their best interest, too, since their cars are also at risk.
  • Avoid dangerous areas: High-crime areas generally aren’t a safe place to park overnight. Don’t leave your car in an unfamiliar area if you can help it, especially if others have had their cars vandalized recently.


As it is impossible to predict damages, it is often safer to insure your property and be ready for unfortunate incidents like social unrest. You can avoid such damages by parking your car in a safe place away from the main road if you sense that such an incident is about to occur. Avoid delay while reporting the damage to your insurance company. And don’t get the car repaired before it is surveyed for damages. This may result in claim rejection.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will Car Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Comprehensive coverage can cover any vehicle damage beyond your control. Deductible options for comprehensive coverage is up to Rs.1.5 lakhs, depending on your insurer and state. If the cost of vandalism repairs is higher than your car insurance deductible, it may make sense to file a comprehensive claim for vehicle damage caused by vandalism.

Will a Vandalism Claim raise my Car Insurance Rates?

In many cases, a vandalism claim will not raise your rates because the damage was not your fault, unlike an at-fault accident. However, damage that is intentional, like spray-painting your car for a contest, would not be covered by car insurance.

Does Car Insurance cover Vandalism?

Yes, comprehensive coverage on your car policy can cover vandalism to your car. Vandalism includes slashed tires, broken windows, and any type of defaced vehicle, like a keyed car. If the repairs cost more than your comprehensive deductible, it makes sense to file a claim.

What incidents does comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

Comprehensive coverage provides protection for a wide range of events. If your auto policy includes comprehensive coverage, your insurance may cover damage resulting from natural disasters, fire, riots and vandalism, theft, falling objects and impacts with animals on the road. Each company’s coverage may differ slightly, so talk to your agent to clarify the specific coverages on your policy.

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