While purchasing a car many factors are taken into consideration, a proper research is done and even test drives are taken by the customers. The 4 wheeler car insurance consists of private car insurance, passenger car insurance, commercial auto insurance and other heavy vehicles such as Lorry, Truck, Pickup van etc. All these things are done to understand the make and model of the car that suits your needs. Sometimes Brand of the car might be the deciding factor while some other times it might be the comfort offered by the car. So when there are a lot of factors which are considered before purchasing a Car, the same amount of research should go before deciding the insurance company and agent before purchasing the car insurance.

Sadly most of us do not put efforts to understand the insurance before purchasing one. All the issues and problems will be faced at the time of claim and then we curse ourselves for taking car insurance from that particular insurance company. Here are the basic things to be kept in mind before deciding on the best car insurance agent for purchasing the car insurance. The agents who are authorized by any insurance company to make the insurance sales are Individual agents, Banks, Brokers, Car Showrooms and Online platforms.
Most of us want fewer premiums to be paid for our car insurance rather than the services offered by the insurance companies and their agents. It is to be noted that a portion of your insurance premium is paid to the agent as Commission for the services to be rendered to you after the sale of the insurance policy.
Hence it is important to understand that the premium paid to the agent should be reasonable and competitive and at the same time the services offered by the agent should not take a hit due to the less or nil commission received by the agent. Most of the agents might be willing to give up their commission while making the purchase of the car insurance and may not render their services properly at the time of claim. So it is important for customers to decide the best car insurance agent in India who can offer reasonable premium and at the same time render good service at the time of claim.
Service Availability
Insurance is a service and not a product. It is intangible and can be felt only at the time of service. A good insurance agent for car insurance is one who can render good services to his customer at all times with reasonable care. The service offered by each type of agent is different and it is the responsibility of the customer to decide the best car insurance agent before purchasing the policy.
The insurance agent must be available to its customers at any point of time as the need for insurance service might arise at any point of time. It is important to maintain more than one point of contact so that in case of emergency any point of contact can be contacted by the customer.
In case of Online insurance, there are many points of contact where the customer can contact and is available 24*7 for the customers to purchase the best car insurance policy in India. The best car insurance agent in India can be considered as the PolicyBachat where there are many contact points and the agents are available round the clock to service their customers.
The after sales service such as Change in Contact details, Change in Address might need to be done. The best car insurance agent is the one who takes care of these endorsements quickly and provides seamless service to his customers.
Claim Service
The most important use of insurance policy comes at the time of an accident which results in claim. The main purpose of paying premium for insurance is to have the car repaired at the time of claim without spending from our pocket. At the time of claim it is the duty of the insurance agent to guide the customer with all the formalities to be completed to file an insurance claim.
The formalities include filling the claim form, submitting the policy copy, RC copy and other valid documents as requested by the insurance company. Insurance agent must be guiding his customers at the time of claim to enable them to get the claim amount without any hassles.
PolicyBachat is the best car insurance agent in India which provided seamless service to its customers at the time of claim and best after sales service to its customers.