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What Is Online Insurance?

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Why buy insurance online?

There are many different types of insurance and it can be difficult to decide which one is the best for you. However, by purchasing insurance online, you are able to compare different plans and find the one that suits your needs.

Here are some of the benefits of buying insurance online :

  • You can compare plans and find the one that suits your needs
  • You can save money on your current plan by switching providers

How to Buy Insurance Online?

Buy insurance can be checked online where there are almost all the major general insurance companies offering insurance quotes. The best insurance can be opted after comparing the quotes from different insurance companies. The renewal of insurance also can be done from the online portal which has a dedicated team of agents to assist the customer with their car insurance.

Which is the Best Insurance Policy in India?

The Best Insurance policy in India can be found on our portal and we have a dedicated team of agents who will assist you in all your needs.

What is Agriculture Insurance Company of India?

Agriculture Insurance Company in India is National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) gives coverage of all food crops, oilseeds, horticultural and commercial crops. It covers all farmers, both loanees and non-loanees, under the scheme. The premium rates vary from 1.5 percent to 3.5 percent of the sum assured for food crops.

What is Keyman Insurance?

Keyman insurance is defined as an insurance policy where the customer, as well as the insured person both roles, are maintained as an employer.

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